15 July 2022


by paulipotter

Hi there! Nice to see you here 🙂

Almost a year ago, I decided it was time to refresh my Python coding skills. After looking at a few options, I went with Angela Yu’s 100 Days of Python Code, and what a great decision that was!

Truth is, I didn’t start it until almost 6 months after purchasing the course 😬 but when I did, I committed to work on it consistently on weekdays and I actually stuck to it! Who would have believed! Fast forward to today, I’m on day 80-something working on the final portfolio projects as time allows.

You can check out my progress in a github repo I created.

# README.md contents ->
for day in 100_days_of_python_code:
    progress.append(day, description, link_to_code)

# Or, if you're a fan of list comprehension -> 
progress = [[day, description, link to code] for day in 100_days_of_python_code]
tags: 100-Days-of-Code - Python